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If you’re passionate about discovering new authors and unique works of fiction, then subscribe to this newsletter. We train the spotlight on the multitude of writers and small publishers toiling to bring a diversity of thoughts and narratives to the public without the support of the publishing powers that be. Every week, we send a no-spoilers review of a unique work to your inbox. If it captures your imagination, we encourage you to purchase the work (ideally not from Amazon!).

What does Peiskos mean?

Peiskos is a Norwegian word meaning the feeling of fireside contentedness. Nothing beats sitting by a fireplace and getting lost in a good book.

From Norwegian: peis (“fireplace”) +‎ kos (“cosiness”)

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Recommendations and reviews of unique fiction produced by small, independent publishers.


Garden State of Mind - Blog for my random thoughts and reflections Peiskos - Recommendations and reviews for eclectic fiction from small, independent publishers.